How long will it take to work through the whole Program?

How long it takes to work through the entire EMyth Coaching Program is highly dependent on you as the client, the degree to which your business systems are developed when you start Coaching, your ability to do the work, and your comfort implementing systems.

Stage One: Getting Your House in Order usually takes 12 to 18 months. During this stage, you’ll work with your Coach to review your business from the ground up, assessing and developing its foundational systems. Because you’re creating the base upon which your entire business will be built, it typically takes the longest of all three stages. Stage 2: Growing Your Business typically takes 9 to 12 months. And finally, Stage 3: Freedom to Choose usually takes 4 to 6 months.

These time frames should give you an idea of your journey ahead, but because every business is different, no owner progresses through the Program at the same rate. And for many clients, completing Stage 3 doesn’t mean an end to working with their Coach. The key to business success is continuous improvement, meaning the work to develop your business may continue long after you’ve completed the three stages of our Program, whether you decide to continue working with a Coach or not.