Our Customer Experience Principles

Discover the EMyth Way.

Our Customer Experience Principles

At EMyth, we’re committed to being uncommonly genuine with our clients and Coaches, even in the most challenging moments. Our CX Principles come from this commitment, and they set the standard for every service we provide and interaction we have.

We strive to embody these principles in all that we do:

  • I champion and celebrate every customer as the hero of their own story.

  • I know and care for each customer personally, fostering meaningful relationships between them and EMyth that last for life.

  • I communicate honestly, genuinely, and directly—human to human, heart to heart.

  • I take our customers on a journey, seamlessly orchestrating a thoughtful and meaningful experience from their first day with EMyth to their last.

  • I create magic in the details by obsessing over the small things most would ignore.

  • I go out of my way to anticipate the expressed and unexpressed wishes and needs of our customers.

  • I inspire our customers by elevating each moment, rising above the mundane to renew their passion and focus for the path ahead.

  • I show up at my best, fully prepared to lead and engage in every interaction.

  • I’m dedicated to producing real results for our customers so they always have tangible evidence of their growth with EMyth in their daily lives.

  • I make our customers feel at home—comfortable, supported, and part of a welcoming community bigger than them alone.