Our Values

This is what drives us every day, in all that we do.

Gift love and compassion, especially when it’s hard.

We care about others and strive to meet them where they are. Everyone has a meaningful and personal story, so we take the time to put ourselves in others’ shoes—to understand their perspectives so we can be responsive to their needs. It’s easy to be kind when things are easy, but we practice kindness in the difficult moments, because that’s often when it’s needed most. And we turn our kindness inward, as well, because that’s what allows us to be there for others when they need us.

Do the right thing, because it’s the right thing.

We listen to that little voice inside—the one that tells us, “You know what you should do”—and we give it a megaphone. We care so much about the experience we’re creating as a community that when it’s time to “do the right thing,” we don’t hide behind limited policies or procedures—we improve them. We stick to our values and standards, but we trust our intuitions and allow ourselves to make mistakes. We say back to that little voice, “You know it, friend. I’ll take it from here.”

Risk uncommonly genuine.

We find strength in vulnerability, in striving to show up more openly and honestly every day: to tell it like we see it; to challenge the status quo; to just be human, unvarnished and unadorned. We access a superpower in ourselves that most companies ask their people to lock away. We build trust faster, get to the truth in a straighter line, and solve problems together in innovative ways without wasting time on positioning or politics. And by taking this risk, we sprinkle a little bit of our own unique magic on everything we touch.

Keep growing.

We’re here to discover what we’re made of, both personally and professionally. We own our mistakes and learn from them. We challenge ourselves to shift the habitual patterns we realize don’t work. We celebrate our wins, but we never get complacent. We look inside for ways to be better. We’ve made this community a garden to grow in—a place to learn about ourselves, to step outside our comfort zone, to create results today that are more extraordinary than those we could have created yesterday.

Treat the problem, not the symptom.

We’re problem solvers and truth seekers. We don’t stay on the surface, comfortable where things are simplistic and unclear. Whatever the roadblock, whatever the frustration, we’re called to search beyond our assumptions to find the root cause. And while we’ll explore many paths on our journey to solve these problems (accepting that the creative process means we’ll make more mistakes than masterpieces along the way), we won’t settle for band-aids or quick fixes, because we believe a problem worth solving is worth solving right.

Create better, together.

We know that we’re stronger together, so we strive to work as a team in all we do. And we respect each other and our contributions, because we understand the kind of cooperation it takes to do great work. We co-create across the team, standing passionately for our perspectives while opening ourselves up to a diversity of ideas different than our own—and we’re willing to shift on a dime when a better idea comes along. New ideas are fragile; they need nurturing and support to grow. So we create a safe space for the best ideas to flourish and for each of us, in our own way, to contribute to a result greater than the sum of its parts.

Orchestrate everything.

We design systems and structures behind the scenes to take our customers on a seamless journey throughout their relationship with us. We approach our work as directors, actors, and stagehands in a grand play of our design. We work on the business, not just in it, every day—crafting and choreographing all the details “off stage” to create an “on-stage” experience that—for our audience—feels organized, elegant, and effortless.

Don’t meet expectations—set them.

We don’t feel comfortable just doing what’s expected of us. We want to do more—to raise the bar, to inspire, to elevate what’s possible. So instead of reacting to expectations, we strive to understand the needs, goals, and motivations behind them. We lead and design to discover and provide the best solutions, rather than allowing expectations to dictate the paths we take.

Make magic in the details.

We take great care with the details because we know memorable experiences aren’t made in the broad strokes. It’s the small things that matter, all the little parts that make up the whole, because someone took the time to make them important. We obsess over the small things because the truth is that they’re not so small—they actually make the experience. Our attention to detail is an expression of our respect and care not only for our creations, but for the people they impact.